Puzzle Set - 4 for SBI PO & IBPS

Puzzle Set - 4 for SBI PO & IBPS

Ques 1 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven students of a college. Each of them has a favourite subject from Physics, Chemistry, English, Biology, History, Geography and Philosophy, not necessarily in the same order. Each of them also has a favourite sport from Football, Cricket, Hockey, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Basketball, not necessarily in the same order.
R likes Philosophy and his favourite sport is Hockey. The one who likes Football likes English. T’s favourite sport is not Badminton or Table Tennis. V does not like either History or Biology. The one whose favourite sport is Basketball does not like Physics. W likes Chemistry and his favourite sport is Volleyball. S likes Geography. Q’s favourite sport is Badminton. V does not like English and his favourite sport is not Basketball. P’s favourite sport is Cricket. The one whose favourite sport is Badminton does not like Biology.

1. Which subject does P like?
1) History 
2) Biology 
3) Chemistry
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
2. Who likes History?
1) P 
2) R 
3) Q
4) V 
5) Data inadequate
3. What is Q’s favourite sport?
1) Cricket 
2) Table Tennis 
3) Football
4) Badminton 
5) None of these
4. Whose favourite sport is Basketball?
1) S 
2) W 
3) Q
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
5. Which subject does T like?
1) Biology 
2) Physics 
3) Chemistry
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these

Ques 2 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T and M are six students of a school, one each studies in Class I-VI. Each of them has a favourite colour from red, black, blue, yellow, pink and green, not necessarily in the same order.
Q likes black and does not study in Class IV or V. The one who studies in Class IV does not like green. P studies in Class II. M likes blue and does not study in Class IV. The one who likes yellow studies in Class VI. S likes pink and studies in Class I. R does not study in Class VI.
1. In which class does R study?
1) V 
2) III 
3) IV
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
2. Which colour does R like?
1) Black 
2) Yellow 
3) Green
4) Blue 
5) None of these
3. Which colour does P like?
1) Green 
2) Yellow 
3) Red
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
4. Which of the following combinations is correct ?
1) P - II - Yellow 
2) Q - III - Green 
3) S - I - Black
4) T - V - Yellow 
5) None of these
5. In which class does M study?
1) IV 
2) III 
3) II
4) V 
5) None of these

Ques 3 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. H is fourth to the left of B and second to the right of F. A is third to the left of C, who is not an immediate neighbour of F. G is second to the left of A. D is second to the right of E.
1. Who is on the immediate right of F?
1) H 
2) A 
3) G
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
2. Who is third to the left of A?
1) C 
2) F 
3) B
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
3. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting on the immediate left of the second person?
1) EH 
2) CE 
3) AF
4) DB 
5) None of these
4. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of E?
1) DH 
2) HC 
3) CA
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
5. Who is on the immediate right of H?
1) E 
2) C 
3) H
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
6. Who is on the immediate right of B?
1) D 
2) E 
3) F
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these

Ques 4 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B is third to the right of F and third to the left of H. C is fourth to the left of A, who is not an immediate neighbour of F or B. E is not an immediate neighbour of B. G is second to the right of D.
1. Who is to the immediate left of B?
1) D 
2) G 
3) D or G
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
2. Who is to the immediate right of H?
1) A 
2) E 
3) F
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
3. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of F?
1) CH 
2) ED 
3) HD
4) CE 
5) None of these
4. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate right of the second person?
1) BG 
2) GA 
3) AH
4) HE 
5) CF
5. Who is third to the left of E?
1) A 
2) C 
3) G
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these

Ques 5 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven students of a school. Each of them studies in a different standard—from Standard IV to Standard X—not necessarily in the same order. Each of them has a favourite subject from English, Science, History, Geography, Mathematics, Hindi and Sanskrit, not necessarily in the same order.
Q studies in VII Standard and does not like either Mathematics or
Geography. R likes English and does not study either in V or in IX. T studies in VIII Standard and likes Hindi. The one who likes Science studies in X Standard. S studies in IV Standard. W likes Sanskrit. P does not study in X Standard. The one who likes Geography studies in V Standard.
1. In which standard does W study?
1) VII 
2) IX 
3) X
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
2. Which subject does P like?
1) Geography 
2) Mathematics 
3) English
4) History 
5) None of these
3. Which subject does S like?
1) History 
2) Geography 
3) Mathematics
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
4. In which standard does P study?
1) IV 
2) VII 
3) IX
4) X 
5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations of student-standard-subject is correct?
1) T - VIII - Mathematics 
2) W - VII - Sanskrit
3) Q - VII - Geography 
4) V - X - Science
5) None of these

Ques 6 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
(i) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight students, each having a different height,
(ii) D is shorter than A but taller than G.
(iii) E is taller than H but shorter than C.
(iv) B is shorter than D but taller than F.
(v) C is shorter than G.
(vi) G is not as tall as F.
1. Which of the following is definitely false?
1) G is shorter than F. 
2) C is shorter than F. 
3) F is taller than C.
4) B is taller than E. 
5) All are true
2. If another student J, who is taller than E but shorter than G, is added to the group, which of the following will be definitely true?
1) C and J are of the same height. 
2) J is shorter than D.
3) J is shorter than H. 
4) J is taller than A.
5) None of these
3. Which of the following will definitely be the third from top when the eight students are arranged in descending order of height?
1) B 
2) F 
3) G
4) B or G 
5) Cannot be determined
4. How many of them are definitely shorter than F?
1) Three 
2) Four 
3) Five
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
5. Which of the following is redundant to answer all the above questions?
1) (ii) only 
2) (ii) and (iii) only
3) (iii) and (iv) only 
4) (ii) and (v) only
5) All are necessary to answer the above questions.

Ques 7 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, M, D, P, R, T, B and H are sitting around a circle, facing the centre. M is third to the left of A, who is second to the left of T. D is second to the right of H, who is second to the right of T. R is second to the right of B, who is not an immediate neighbour of T.
1. Which of the following combinations represents the first and the second to the left of B respectively?
1) MD 
2) DH 
3) AM
4) AR 
5) DM
2. Who is third to the right of T?
1) D 
2) B 
3) H
4) M 
5) None of these
3. Who is to the immediate left of H?
1) P 
2) M 
3) T
4) R 
5) Data inadequate
4. Who is second to the left of B?
1) D 
2) H 
3) M
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
5. In which of the following combinations the third person is second to the left of the second person?
1) BAR 
2) DBM 
3) TPH
4) PMH 
5) None of these

Ques 8 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A group of seven friends, A, B, C, D, E, F and G work as Economist, Agriculture Officer, IT Officer, Terminal Operator, Clerk, Forex Officer and Research Analyst, for Banks L, M, N, P, Q, R and S, but not necessarily in the same order. C works for Bank N and is neither a Research Analyst nor a Clerk. E is an IT Officer and works for Bank R. A works as a Forex Officer and does not work for Bank L or Q. The one who is an Agriculture Officer works for Bank M. The one who works for Bank L works as a Terminal Operator. F works for Bank Q. G works for Bank P as a Research Analyst. D is not an Agriculture Officer.
1. Who amongst the following works as an Agriculture Officer?
1) C 
2) B 
3) F
4) D 
5) None of these
2. For which bank does D work?
1) Q 
2) L 
3) N
4) S 
5) None of these
3. What is the profession of C?
1) Terminal Operator 
2) Agriculture Officer
3) Economist 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
4. Who amongst the following works as a Clerk?
1) C 
2) B 
3) F
4) D 
5) None of these
5. Which of the following combinations of person, profession and bank is correct?
1) A - Forex Officer - M 
2) D - Clerk - L
3) F -Agriculture Officer-Q 
4) B - Agriculture Officer-S
5) None of these
6. What is the profession of the person who works for Bank S?
1) Clerk 
2) Agriculture Officer
3) Terminal Operator 
4) Forex Officer
5) None of these
7. For which bank does B work?
1) M 
2) S 
3) L
4) Either M or S 
5) None of these

Ques 9 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre B is fourth to the left of G, who is second to the right of C. F is fourth to the right of C and is second to the left of K. A is fourth to the right of K. D is not an immediate neighbour of either K or B. H is third to the right of E.
1. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting between the first and the second persons?
1) EKB 
2) CHB 
3) AGC
4) FGD 
5) None of these
2. Who is fourth to the left of E?
1) A 
2) C 
3) G
4) Data inadequate 
5) None of these
3. Who is second to the right of K?
1) C 
2) H 
3) F
4) E 
5) Data inadequate
4. Who is third to the right of H?
1) A 
2) D 
3) G
4) F 
5) None of these
5. Who is fourth to the right of D?
1) K 
2) H 
3) E
4) B 
5) None of these

Ques 10 - Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table, facing the centre. A sits third to the left of C and second to the right of E. B sits second to the right of D, who is not an immediate neighbour of E. H sits second to the left of F. G is not an immediate neighbour of D.
1. Which of the following pairs has only one person sitting between them, if the counting is done in clockwise direction?
1) F, G 
2) H, G 
3) H, C
4) H, B 
5) None of these
2. Who sits third to the right of E?
1) D 
2) G 
3) F
4) B 
5) None of these
3. What is the position of G with respect to A’s position?
1) Immediately to the right 
2) Second to the left
3) Third to the right 
4) Third to the left
5) Fourth to the right
4. Who sits between E and A?
1) F 
2) D 
3) G
4) B 
5) None of these
5. Starting from A’s position, if all the eight are arranged in alphabetical order in clockwise direction, the seating position of how many members (excluding A) would-remain unchanged?
1) None 
2) One 
3) Two
4) Three 
5) Four