Banking Awareness Questions and Answer SBI IBPS
Banking Awareness Quiz Questions Answers are providing for all banking exams and interviews in 2017 - 2018.
These are some important Banking Awareness Questions and Answers pdf download free providing by our Banking Expert Team is useful for all banking exams and It is specially designed according to the Syllabus of RRB, IBPS/SBI PO, and Clerk VII 2017-2018.
181. What is Gross Domestic Product?
a) It is the cost of production of all final goods and services made in the country.
b) It is the cost of services made within the borders of a country in a year.
c) It is the market value of all final goods and services made in the country.
d) It is the market value of all final goods and services made within the borders of a country in a year.
e) None of these
182. In which of the following States, India’s first Islamic Bank is proposed to be set up?
a) Kerala
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Orissa
d) Bihar
e) None of these
183. Which of the following is NOT used in Economics?
a) Demand and Supply
b) Ad Valorem Tax
c) Break even
d) HIV-positive
e) Cost-benefit analysis
184. What is ‘financial inclusion’?
A.Easy access to bank accounts for safe parking of savings
B.Availability of cheap credits through appropriately designed loans for poor and low income households and small entrepreneur
C.Availability of basic financial products like insurance
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) Only (C)
d) Both (A) and (B)
e) All (A), (B) and (C)
185. Which of the following terms is used in Economics?
a) Keynesian
b) Adsorption
c) Affinity Matrix
d) Gene Flow
e) None of these
186. Which of the following is/are key policy rates used by RBI to influence interest rates?
A. Bank Rate and Repo Rate
B. Reverse Repo Rate
C. CRR and SLR
a) Only (A)
b) Only (B)
c) All (A), (B) and (C)
d) Only (C)
e) Both (A) and (C)
187. Which of the following rates signals the RBI’s long-term outlook on interest rates?
a) Repo Rate
b) Reverse Repo Rate
c) Bank Rate
d) SLR
e) CRR
188. What do you understand by ‘Para Banking’ services?
a) Eligible financial services rendered by banks
b) Utility services provided by banks
c) Services provided through business correspondents
d) Services provided to armed force personnel
e) None of these
189. What is Cross Border Exchange?
a) Trading of foreign currency in India
b) Trading of Indian rupee in exchange of other currencies/goods
c) Hawala transactions in Indian rupee
d) Unauthorized remittance of Indian rupee
e) None of these
190. Which of the following is the objective of Financial Stability and Development Council?
a) To address inter-regulatory issues only
b) To focus on financial literacy only
c) To focus on financial inclusion only
d) Both (a) and (b)
e) All (a), (b) and (c)
191. Expand the term SWIFT.
a) Society for Worldwide International Financial Telecommunications
b) Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
c) Society for Worldwide International Financial Transfers
d) Society for Worldwide Interbank Fiscal
e) None of these
192. Which of the following terms is NOT used in the Banking world?
a) Holding Company
b) Postdated cheque
c) Credit
d) Time deposit
e) Centripetal force
193. Loans of small or very small amounts given to low-income group people are known as
a) Investment Loans
b) Micro Credit
c) Saving loans
d) Secured loans
e) Cash credit loans
194. Which of the following is the Central Bank of USA?
a) Federation of Banks, USA
b) Citigroup, USA
c) Bank of America
d) Central Bank of USA
e) Federal Reserve
195. The activity of purchasing shares of various companies is called
a) Online Trading
b) Share Trading
c) Real estate investment
d) Corporate Trading
e) None of these
196. Telecom Sector is considered as
a) Priority sector
b) Non-priority sector
c) Infrastructural sector
d) Sector with special status
e) Core-Energy sector
197. The Economic Survey is compiled by the
a) Ministry of Home Affairs
b) Ministry of Finance
c) Ministry of Rural Development
d) Central Board of Direct Taxes
e) Central Statistical Organisation
198. Who amongst the following was the Head of the committee which gave its recommendations on the modalities for Capital Account Convertibility?
a) Dr Rakesh Mohan
b) Dr C Rangarajan
c) SS Tarapore
d) KJ Udeshi
e) None of these
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199. The base year for Consumer Index has now been revised from 1982 to
a) 1990
b) 1991
c) 1996
d) 1998
e) 2001
200. Deflation refers to ———.
a) general decline in prices of various commodities and services
b) price decline in specific sectors
c) price decline in specific commodities
d) sharp and sudden decline in foreign exchange reserves
e) None of these
Important Banking &Financial Awareness Answers
181. d 182. a 183. d 184. b 185. a 186. c 187. c 188. a 189. b 190. e 191. a 192. e 193. b 194. e 195. b 196. c 197. b 198. c 199. e 200. a