IBPS PO prelims exam 2016: Result to release in November, check mains admit card date here

IBPS PO prelims exam 2016: Result to release in November, check mains admit card date here


Result to release in November, check mains admit card date here

The Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) will release the result of the probationary officer (PO) preliminary recruitment exam 2016 sometime this month.

According to the official declaration by the IBPS on its website, the Institute states that the result of the IBPS PO prelims exam as well as the admit card for the mains exam will be released in November 2016. 

The IBPS PO prelims exam 2016 was conducted via the online method on October 16, 20 and 23, 2016. The IBPS PO mains examination 2016 is scheduled for November 20, 2016. The result of the mains exam will be declared in December 2016, while the interview call letters will be available for download in January 2017. The candidates will be given provisional allotment in April next year, the official advertisement states. 

Log on to the official website of the IBPS, ibps.in 

On the main page, there will be declaration saying “Click here to IBPS Probationary Prelims Exam Result 2016” .

Click on the link and you will be taken to a new page where you will have to enter your details such as registration number, password (which might be your date of birth or as specified by IBPS), and an image code.

Image result for The Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) will release the result of the probationary officer (PO) preliminary recruitment exam 2016 sometime this month. According to the official declaration by the IBPS on its website, the Institute states that the result of the IBPS PO prelims exam as well as the admit card for the mains exam will be released in November, 2016.

Your result will be displayed when you click on “Submit” after entering your details.

The IBPS holds recruitment exams on an annual basis in partnership with a number of public sector banks for many posts such as probationary officer, clerk or management trainee, among others.
  • Check Your IBPS PO Pre VI 2016 Result Here - Check Here