Dear Readers, Today we are sharing the complete syllabus of IBPS PO VI 2016. You can achieve your aim only if you know the right path, i mean you can crack your exam only if you know the syllabus of that examination.
The online examination (Preliminary and Main) for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts is scheduled in October 2015.
1. The structure of the Examinations which will be conducted online are as follows:
a. Preliminary Examination
b. Main Examination
The online examination (Preliminary and Main) for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts is scheduled in October 2015.
- Online Examination Preliminary : 03.10.2015, 04.10.2015 10.10.2015, 11.10.2015
- Online Examination Main : 31.10.2015
- Total marks of the Preliminary exam is 100 and duration is 1 hour & total marks on Main exam is 200 marks and duration is 2 hours.
- There will be Negative Marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. If a question is left blank, there will be no negative marking for that question.
- All the tests except the Test of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.
- The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates in different sessions (if held) will be normalized using equi-percentile method.
- Scores up to two decimal points shall be taken for the purpose of calculations.
1. The structure of the Examinations which will be conducted online are as follows:
a. Preliminary Examination
Name of Tests
No. of Qs
Maximum Marks
English Language
Composite Time of 1 Hour
Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Ability
b. Main Examination
of Tests
of Qs
Time of 2 Hours
Selection Procedure : The IBPS PO/MT selection process will be carried out in three stages, the first one is Preliminary Examination, second stage is Main Examination & third stage is Common Interview conducted by IBPS.
1. Phase-I : Preliminary Examination (100 marks) : Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing passing marks to be decided by the Bank.
Notes - Candidates have to qualify in Pre Exam then only he can write Mains Exam.
Notes - Candidates have to qualify in Pre Exam then only he can write Mains Exam.
2. Phase – II : Main Examination (200 marks) : The candidates are required to qualify in each of the five Tests of Mains by securing passing marks, to be decided by the IBPS.
3. Phase – III : Interview (100 marks) : Candidates who have been shortlisted in the examination for CWE PO/MT-V will subsequently be called for an Interview to be conducted by the Participating Organisations and coordinated by the Nodal Bank in each State/ UT with the help of IBPS. Interviews will be conducted at selected centres.
The total marks allotted for Interview are 100. The minimum qualifying marks in interview will not be less than 40% (35% for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD candidates). The weightage (ratio) of CWE Main exam and interview will be 80:20 respectively.
The combined final scores of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in CWE PO/MT-V and Interview. A candidate should qualify both in the CWE and interview and be sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for subsequent provisional allotment process.
The total marks allotted for Interview are 100. The minimum qualifying marks in interview will not be less than 40% (35% for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD candidates). The weightage (ratio) of CWE Main exam and interview will be 80:20 respectively.
The combined final scores of candidates shall be arrived at on the basis of scores obtained by the candidates in CWE PO/MT-V and Interview. A candidate should qualify both in the CWE and interview and be sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for subsequent provisional allotment process.
Note : Marks obtained only in the Main Examination will be considered for shortlisting for interview and also for Final Merit List.

In the event of two or more candidates having obtained the same score, merit order is decided as per date of birth (the candidate senior in age is placed before/ above the candidate junior in age), as per the prevailing practice.
Syllabus of IBPS PO V 2015
Syllabus for both Phase I & II are almost same but level of Phase II will be Difficult.
English Language Syllabus
- Grammar (Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, etc)
- Sentence Rearrangements
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Cloze Test
- Fill in the Blanks (with modals, articles and etc)
- Sentences Errors
- Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehensions.
- Download Complete Book of English Language by RS Aggarwal
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus
- Percentage
- Profit & Loss
- Average
- Ratio & Proportion
- Partnership
- Time & Distance
- Problems on Trains
- Boat and Streams
- Time and Work
- Simple & Compound Interest
- Problems on Age
- Mensuration
- Permutations and Combinations
- Volume and Surface Area
- Probability
- Pipes & Cisterns
- Data Sufficiency
- Data Interpretation (Click here to DI Questions) (Bar diagrams, Pie charts, Table charts, Line Graphs & Data Interpretation based on Puzzles )
- Download Book of Quants - Quiker Maths by M Tyra
- Blood Relations
- Coding and Decoding
- Syllogisms
- Series Completion
- Series
- Machine Input
- Sitting Arrangements
- Puzzles
- Inequalities
- Decision Making
- Statements – Assumption
- Statements – Conclusion
- For Reasoning Study Material - Click Here
- Computer Basics & History
- Types of Computers
- Parts of Computer
- Computer Generations
- Components of Computer (Input, Control Unit, Memory Unit, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Output)
- Peripheral Devices (Input devices & Output devices)
- Software (System & Application Software) & Hardware
- Computer Memory (Cache Memory, Primary Memory/Main Memory & Secondary Memory)
- Data Processing
- Operating system (Windows XP, Windows 7 and etc)
- Basic MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PPT, MS Outlook),
- Internet
- Data Base Management Systems
- Computer Networks
- Data Communication
- Security (VIRUS & Antivirus)
- Networking.
- For Computer Study Material - Click Here
General Awareness Syllabus (with special reference to Banking Industry)
Banking Awareness
- Bank, Its Function, Types, Structure
- Bank Account Types
- RBI & its Functions
- Principles Of Sound Lending & Types Of Banking
- Short notes on all Public banks (CMD, Taglines, Founded year, Headquarters, any news related to banks)
- Money Market and Capital Market, with Instruments
- Development Banks in India
- Banker and Customer
- Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
- Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
- Repo and Reverse Repo
- Open Market Operations
- Loans and Advances
- Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881
- National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)
- Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)
- IMF, World Bank, NDB, ADB
- Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer
- Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006
- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)
- Reserve Bank of India Monetary Policies
- Methods of Issuing Notes in India & Indian Currency System
- Financial and Banking Sector Reforms in India
- Financial Inclusion & Micro Finance
- Regional Rural Bank (RRBs)
- Co-operative Banks in India
- National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
- Non-Banking Financial Institutions
- Venture Capital
- The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
- Budget & Five Year Plans in India
- Insurance Sector in India
- Mutual Funds
- Stock Exchange
- Priority Sector Advances
- Financial inclusion
- DeMat Account
- Basel
- Money & Types of Money
- Inflation Deflation
- Miscellaneous
- For Banking Awareness Study Material - Click Here
- Sports
- Books and Authors
- Award Winners
- Famous Personality in News
- Business news
- Politics
- Bank CMD/CEO & Taglines
- Organisations Head & headquarters
- Cabinet Ministers of India
- C.M & Governors of States of India
- Capital & Currency of Countries
- Finance & Banking News
- New Appointment in India & World
- Summit & Meeting
- Obituary
- Important Dates
- Schemes & Yojanas Launched
- Bill Passed
- Miscellaneous
- For Banking Current Affairs - Click Here