"Surakshit Khadya Abhiyan" Scheme launched by Government on safe and hygienic food.

"Surakshit Khadya Abhiyan" Scheme launched by Government on safe and hygienic food.

Government of India has launched the Surakshit Khadya Abhiyan, a nation wide campaign, to create mass awareness and capacity building for safe and hygienic food.

The campaign was launched by Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan.

The ambitious campaign, planned by CII, Consumer Organization VOICE, and National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI), is an effort towards building a culture of food safety in India.

The ministry also launched a website and a logo of the campaign and also signed a pledge for adopting safe food practices.

Under this public campaign various awareness programmes will be undertaken across the country. It will include hygiene & sanitation for safe food, informative sessions on cleaning, walkathons and awareness by information dissemination through media programmes for consumers and street food industries.

The objective of this Initiative 
  1. Create countrywide awareness on the subject of “Food Safety and Quality for All”.
  2. Trigger Nationwide Actions on Safe and Hygienic Food for all to make India a Safe Food Destination
  3. Project’s Indian image as a Safe Food Destination.
  4. Help understand Consumer rights and disseminate knowledge on the importance of Food Safety and Quality amongst institutions and general consumers.
  5. Enhance Consumer demand for Safe and Quality Food by promoting widespread national Awareness on Food Safety and Quality.
  6. Trigger nationwide actions among all Food Business Operators including Petty Food Business Operators, Street Food Vendors and Consumers.
  7. Deliberate on a roadmap for Up-gradation of Skills and Knowledge on Food Safety with follow up Workshops, Training Programs, Short Term Professional Courses with Knowledge Bodies of international repute, Award Programs and others