Reasoning Puzzles Questions for IBPS/SBI Set - 9

Reasoning Puzzles Questions for IBPS/SBI Set - 9

Reasoning Puzzles Questions for Bank Exams – Now a days, almost in all competitive exams Puzzles related questions is must asked and specially in Bank Recruitment Exams.
Following are some Puzzles Quiz/ Questions which are likely to be asked/ already asked in competitive exams.
Following Puzzles Quiz will help you securing good marks in upcoming SBI PO, SBI Clerk, IBPS PO­ V, IBPS Clerk­ V, IBPS RRB Exams.

Reasoning Puzzles Questions for Bank Exams

Directions 1 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Four friends Amrita, Deepa, Smita and Rhea complete their PhD in different number of years. The one who took maximum time took eight years to complete her PhD while the one who took the least time took only three years to complete it. Rhea took more time only than Amrita and completed her PhD in five years. Smita did not take longer time than Deepa to complete her PhD.


1. How many years did Amrita take to complete her PhD?
1) 8 
2) 3 
3) 4
4) Either 6 or 7 
5) Cannot be determined

2. How many years did Smita take to complete her PhD ?
1) 8 
2) 3 
3) 4
4) 7 
5) Cannot be determined

3. Who amongst the following took the maximum number of years to complete PhD ?
1) Amrita 
2) Rhea 
3) Smita
4) Deepa 
5) Cannot be determined

4. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters TEID using each letter only once in each word?
1) None 
2) One 
3) Two
4) Three 
5) More than three

5. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the second, fifth, eighth and the eleventh letters (when counted from left hand side) of the word DEVELOPMENT, which would be the second letter of the word from the left ? If more than one such word can be formed, give X as the answer. If no such word can be formed, give Z as your answer.
1) E 
2) L 
3) T
4) X 
5) Z

Directions 2 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z, out of whom one is a Pilot, Professor, Businessman, Doctor, Lawyer, Banker, Cricketer or an Architect (but not necessarily in the same order), are sitting among a circular table, facing the centre.
  • S who is a banker sits third to right of Z
  • The professor and the architect are immediate neighbors of each other, neither the professor the architect is an immediate neighbor of either Z or S.
  • Cricketer and the pilot are immediate neighbors of each other. Neither Z nor W is a pilot.
  • The one who is a professor sits second to the right of T who is a lawyer. V who is a cricketer is not an immediate neighbor of the banker.
  • Only R sits between the professor and the doctor. P sits third to the right of the pilot


1. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbours of the doctor ?
1) Professor-businessman 
2) Pilot - professor
3) Cricketer - businessman 
4) Lawyer - architect
5) None of these

2. What is the position of the businessman with respect to the pilot?
1) Third to the left 
2) Second to the left 
3) Immediately to the right
4) Fourth to the right 
5) Second to the right

3. Who sits third to the right of the professor ?
1) The banker 
2) Q 
3) The cricketer
4) The lawyer 
5) None of these

4. Which of the following is true regarding R ?
1) He is a doctor
2) He is an immediate neighbour of the pilot
3) R sits between Q and T
4) He is an immediate neighbour of the professor
5) None is true

5. How many people sit between the ‘banker’ and ‘W’ when counted in anticlockwise direction from the banker?
1) None 
2) One 
3) Two
4) Three 
5) Four

6. Who amongst the following is a pilot ?
1) P 
2) Q 
3) R
4) Z 
5) None of these

7. What is the profession of Z ?
1) Businessman 
2) Architect 
3) Professor
4) Doctor 
5) None of these

8. Who amongst the following sits exactly between T and Q ?
1) Cricketer 
2) Architect 
3) Professor
4) Doctor 
5) Banker

Directions 3 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E and F are seated in a circle facing the centre. A and C are seated adjacent to each other and E and B are also seated adjacent to each other. B is to the immediate left of F. There are two persons between D and E. A is not seated adjacent to E.


1. How many persons are seated between F and E if we go anticlockwise from F to E ?
1) 1 
2) 2
3) 3 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

2. Who is to the immediate left of E?
1) C 
2) B
3) F 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 3-5): Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
3. 1) BA 
2) BD 
3) CF
4) DE 
5) FC

4. 1) BEC 
2) CAD 
3) FDA
4) DFB 
5) ADF

5. 1) AC 
2) EB 
3) CE
4) AF 
5) DA

Directions 4 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Q, R, S, T, U and V are seated to a straight line facing North. S is second to the right of T and T is second to the right of Q. R is to the left of Q and is second to the left of V.


1. How many persons are seated between T and V?
1) 1 
2) 2 
3) 3
4) 4 
5) None of these

2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating position in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
1) QV 
2) VT 
3) US
4) UT 
5) RQ

3. What is Q's position with respect to S?
1) Third to left 
2) Immediate Next 
3) Second to left
4) Fifth to left 
5) None of these

4. Which of the following represents persons seated at the two extremes ?
1) RQ 
2) US 
3) SQ
4) SR 
5) None of these

5. If S : T and T : Q, then U : ?
1) T 
2) V 
3) Q
4) S 
5) R

Directions 5 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

V, U and T are seated in a circle facing the centre. A, B and C are also seated in the same circle but two of them are not facing the centre (facing opposite direction of the centre). V is second to the left of C. U is second to the right of A. B is third to the left of T. C is second to the right of T. A is seated next to V.


1. Which of the following are not facing the centre ?
1) BA 
2) CA
3) BC 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

2. Which of the following is T’s position with respect to B?
1) Third to the right
2) Second to the right
3) Third to the left
4) Third either to the right or to the left
5) None of these

3. Which of the following is V's position with respect to C?
1) Second to the right 
2) Third to the left
3) Fourth to the right 
4) Fourth to the left
5) Cannot be determined

4. Which of the following is true regarding the seating arrangement?
1) A, B and C are seated adjacent
2) V, U and T are seated adjacent
3) There are two persons whose seating arrangement cannot be ascertained
4) Those not facing the centre are seated adjacent
5) There are only two persons seated between V and T

5. Which of the following is A's position with respect to U?
1) Second to the left 
2) Second to the right
3) Third to the right 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

Directions 6 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a Group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference (has/likes) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are Wagon R, Swift, Santro, Mica and City. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen. Suman has Mica and Parker but does not prefer among watches -Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Swift, likes Fastrack. Mrudula has preference for City, Cello and Citizen. Amit has preference for Lamy and Timex, Veena prefers Wagon R and Lexi. Harsh's preference for a watch is not Titan.


1. Which watch is Suman's preference?
1) Titan 
2) Fastrack
3) Samay 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

2. Which pen is Harsh's preference?
1) Lamy 
2) Pointer
3) Lexi 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

3. Which watch is Harsh's preference?
1) Samay 
2) Fastrack
3) Timex 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

4. Who's preference is Swift?
1) Harsh 
2) Amit
3) Veena 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

5. Which watch is Veena’s preference?
1) Sarnay 
2) Fastrack
3) Titan 
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

Directions 7 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a seven-storey building, having floors numbered one to seven, P, Q, R, S, T and V each live on a different floor. (The ground floor is numbered floor no. 1, the floor above it floor no. 2 and so on.) One of the floors in the building is vacant. P lives on the fifth floor. No floor below fifth floor is vacant; also no odd numbered floor is vacant. Only S lives between T and V. T does not live on an odd numbered floor. T does not live on a floor immediately above or immediately below R's floor. Q does not live on the bottommost floor.


1. Who lives on the topmost floor ?
1) Q 
2) S 
3) R
4) V 
5) No one as it is vacant

2. On which of the following floors does R live ?
1) Seventh 
2) Sixth 
3) Third
4) Second 
5) First

3. Which of the following floors is vacant?
1) Seventh 
2) Sixth 
3) Third
4) Second 
5) Fourth

Directions 8 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a sports event, different games are scheduled to be held on seven days, starting on Monday and ending on Sunday. Two games are scheduled to be held on Saturday as well as on Sunday and one game on each of the remaining five days. The games to be held in these seven days are: Basketball, football, boxing, sprinting, swimming, shooting, weightlifting, wrestling and cycling, but not necessarily in the same order. Shooting is scheduled to be held on Thursday. Boxing and cycling are scheduled to be held on the same day. Wrestling is scheduled to be held three days before basketball, i.e. two sports are scheduled between wrestling and basketball. Wrestling is not scheduled to be held on Wednesday. Weightlifting is scheduled immediately after the day boxing is scheduled. Football is scheduled immediately after the day wrestling is scheduled. Swimming is not scheduled on Monday.


1. Which of the following games is scheduled to be held on Friday?
1) Basketball 
2) Wrestling 
3) Swimming
4) Weightlifting 
5) Sprinting

2. Which of the following games is scheduled to be held on Sunday?
1) Football 
2) Wrestling 
3) Basketball
4) Cycling 
5) Swimming

3. On which of the following days is sprinting scheduled ?
1) Saturday 
2) Friday 
3) Wednesday
4) Monday 
5) Cannot be determined

4. On which of the following days is weightlifting scheduled?
1) Monday 
2) Tuesday 
3) Wednesday
4) Friday 
5) Sunday

5. Shooting is related to Basketball in the same way as Wrestling is related to
1) Sprinting 
2) Football 
3) Shooting
4) Weightlifting 
5) Boxing

Directions 9 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The ones who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. Two females sit in the middle of the sides and two at the corners. A sits second to the left of G. G sits in the middle of one of the sides. C sits fourth to the right of his wife and his wife is not an immediate neighbour of A or G. B sits third to right of her husband. B does not sit at any of the corners. Only D sits between B and H. H is the husband of A. E is a male.


1. Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
1) No two males are immediate neighbours of each other
2) G and H do not face each other in the seating arrangement
3) E and D are immediate neighbours of each other
4) F is a male and sits diagonally opposite to E
5) A sits in the centre of one of the sides of the square table

2. Who amongst the following is B's husband?
1) C 
2) G 
3) E
4) F 
5) Cannot be determined

3. How many people sit between B and C when counted in anti clockwise direction from B ?
1) None 
2) One 
3) Two
4) Three 
5) Four

4. Who amongst the following is the wife of C?
1) D 
2) F 
3) B
4) G 
5) Cannot be determined

5. What is the position of E with respect to C ?
1) Immediately to the left 
2) Second to the left
3) Third to the right 
4) Immediately to the right
5) Second to the right

Directions 10 : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P, T, Q, U, S and R are standing in a straight line facing North. S is
standing third from the left end of the line. R is fourth to the right of T. Neither P nor R is at the end of the line. Q is second to the left of P.


1. Who amongst the following is standing fourth from the left end of the line?
1) Q 
2) R 
3) P
4) U 
5) None of these

2. If TQ : SP then, ? : RU
1) QS 
2) TS 
3) SP
4) QT 
5) None of these

3. Who amongst the following are at the extreme ends of the line?
1) TU 
2) TR 
3) RU
4) TP 
5) US

Directions (Q. 4-5): Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group ?

4. 1) SRP 
2) QPS 
3) PUR
4) TSQ 
5) TSU

5. 1) UR 
2) PS 
3) QT
4) SR 
5) RP