Dear Readers, the Indian Bank has been released the notification regarding Training Schedule for Probationary and Specialist Officers under IBPS CWE - IV 2014-2015.
Notification to candidates selected for the post of PO and SO
SO IV Induction Training from 8th to 19th June 2015 at IMAGE
SO IV - List of candidates from whom clarification or documents needed
PO IV Batch I - Induction Training from 8th to 19th June 2015 at IMAGE
PO IV Batch II - Induction Training from 29th June to 10th July 2015 at IMAGE
PO IV Batch III - Induction Training from 13th to 24th July 2015 at IMAGE
PO IV - List of candidates from whom clarification or documents needed
Notification to candidates selected for the post of PO and SO
SO IV Induction Training from 8th to 19th June 2015 at IMAGE
SO IV - List of candidates from whom clarification or documents needed
PO IV Batch I - Induction Training from 8th to 19th June 2015 at IMAGE
PO IV Batch II - Induction Training from 29th June to 10th July 2015 at IMAGE
PO IV Batch III - Induction Training from 13th to 24th July 2015 at IMAGE
PO IV - List of candidates from whom clarification or documents needed