IBA and UFBU ( Workmen unions only ) have finalized pay structure - 10th Bipartite Update

IBA and UFBU ( Workmen unions only ) have finalized pay structure - 10th Bipartite Update

News is out Workmen payscales settled.  Today IBA and UFBU ( Workmen unions only ) have finalized their pay structure.

Tenth Bipartite Update
Message being circulate by UFBU Convenor
For award staffs, distribution chart is finalised.
Scales of Pay - Substaff - 9560 to 18545  Clerical - 11765 to 31540 (20 Stages)
8 Stag. increment - Clerical - 5 once in 3 yrs and 3 once in 2 yrs - 8th stag. Inc. w.e.f.1.5.2015
DA - 0.10% per slab
HRA - 10%, 9% and 7.50% (Only 3 areas)
Transport Allowance : upto stage-15 - 425 stage 16 & above - 470
Medical - 2200
Spl Allowance @ 7.75% of Basic with DA thereon
Settlement may be signed on 25th.

Four officers organisations will sign the new scales and cost sheet at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Final agreement will be signed on 25th May, 2015.

RBI has conveyed their NOC for 2nd and 4th Saturday's off, which has been forwarded by IBA with recommendation to Government. Though this has hastened the process of notification by Government in this regard, actual implementation of two Saturday's off may still take time. Harvinder Singh, AIBOC