"Marketing And Its Concepts" Chapter-1 Marketing Notes

"Marketing And Its Concepts" Chapter-1 Marketing Notes

Hi Dear readers as all we know about Marketing importance in SBI & SBI Associates Clerk examinations. In SBI Clerk Level  Examinations Marketing consists of 20 questions out of 200 or we can say that 10% of Exam and according to our point of view any bank aspirant can score more than 15 questions in this section if he reads our marketing notes as it covers 100% topics with genuine material. 

Marketing is a practical knowledge, everybody have some knowledge about market and he can easily understand our notes with a little knowledge about Market. Marketing has 10-12 Chapters and we will provide all those chapters day by day. Marketing tells as how a seller sells his products, how a customer buys a product, Marketing Strategies, demand & Supply, when to sell our product and whom, customer satisfaction and etc. Hope You will enjoy while reading our Marketing Notes.

Marketing :-
Marketing is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others.
Marketing is that phase of business activity through which the human wants are satisfied by exchange of goods and services with money.

Features of Marketing :-
1. Need & Want - The main focus of marketing is to satisfied the needs and wants of their customers
2. Create Market offering - Market offering means offering a product and service by specifying its features, shape, size, colour, price etc. For example offer a car to customer and then specify its features colour model, price, brand etc.
3. Customer Value - Customer is ready to give a price for the product only when he gets satisfaction or only when product is offering utilities matching to the price. Customer values the product on the basis of satisfaction and service offered by the product. Marketer must add to the value of product do that customers prefer your product over competitor. 
4. Exchange Mechanism - Marketing involves exchange of goods or services for money. In exchange Customer pay money and in return they take product or services which satisfy their needs and wants. Exchange can take place between manufacturer and customer or through middleman (Dealers, Whole sellers, Retailers).

Market and Customer :-
1. Market - Market is a place where buyers and sellers meet each other to buy & sell different products.
2. Customer - People or group that seeks satisfaction of their needs. They buy goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants. For example if a customer's need is car then he may buy a car to satisfy his/her need.

Need & Want :-
1. Need - Basic necessities of life for example food, Cloth, Shelter, Water etc
2. Want - Other than basic needs for ex drink cold drink instead of water, Eat pizza instead of food and etc

Marketing Management :- 
It means management of all the marketing related activities or you can say planning organising, directing and controlling the activities which result in exchange of goods and services.
5 Concepts under Marketing Management
1. Production Concept - Some companies follow this concept as they believe that it is easy to sell the products when products are inexpensive and are easily available. Under this concept companies produce in mass quantity which lowers their cost of production.
2. Product Concept - Some companies follow this concept, Under this concepts Companies make High or Superior quality products for their customers to satisfy their needs. Those companies who believe in this concepts are of opinion that if the quality of goods or services is of good standard, the customers can be easily attracted.
3. Selling Concept - Under this concept companies make a customer to buy a product, customer needs to be convinced and customers can be convinced by undertaking some aggressive selling & promotional efforts. with the help of this concept the firm can make a customer to buy something even when the customer has no intention of purchasing it. Or you can say sell company products with the help of advertising and promotional methods. In such a case company’s' main thinking is 'Selling What You Have'. 
4. Marketing Concept - This concepts concentrates on the need of the customers. In this concepts product is designed and produced keeping in mind the need of the customer and try to satisfy the need better than the competitor's product. The main goal of this concept is to satisfy the need of customer by produce the product according to the customers need.
5. Societal concept - Satisfy the needs of customers in the best possible manner but then also it has attracted from people who are concerned about society and environment. it means provide those products which benefit the customers and do not harmful for them. This concepts stress not only on the customers satisfaction but also gives importance to Customer Welfare/Societal Welfare. This concept is almost a step further than the Marketing concept. For example if a company produces a vehicle which consume less petrol but spreads pollution, it will result in only customer satisfaction and not the social welfare.

Difference between Selling and Marketing

Types of Marketing - 
1. Bench Marketing - A comparison of the business processes with competitors and improving prevailing ones is called bench marketing or you can compare our business process with our competitor.
2. Drip Marketing - The method of sending promotional items to clients is called Drip marketing.
3. Viral Marketing - Marketing by the word of the mouth, having a high pass-rate from person to person is called viral marketing. Creating a 'buzz' in the industry is an example of viral marketing.
4. Guerilla Marketing - Unconventional and inexpensive techniques with imagination, big crowds and a surprise element are used for marketing something, a popular example being flash mobs or it means easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business
5. Social Media Marketing - Social media marketing is marketing using online communities, social networks, blog marketing and more or it means marketing through social media resources for example Facebook, twitter, blogs, and etc
6. Digital Marketing - This strategy uses various digital devices like smart phones, computers, tablets or digital billboards to inform customers and business partners about its products. Internet Marketing is a key element in Digital Marketing.
Internet Marketing - Internet marketing is the marketing of products or services over the Internet.
Internet Marketing is also known as i-marketing, web-marketing, online-marketing, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or e-Marketing.
7. Direct Marketing - This is a wide term which refers to the technique where organizations communicate directly with the consumer through mail, email, texts, fliers and various promotional materials. Direct Marketing is a form of advertising that directly reaches to the customers on a personal basis (like phone calls, private mailings, etc) rather than traditional channel of advertising (like TV, Newspapers, etc).
Types of Direct marketing :-
There are many types of direct marketing, only some important types are listed below and these are the most form of direct marketing.
a) Direct Mail Marketing - Advertising material sent directly to home and business addresses. This is the most common form of direct marketing. There are several different types of direct mail (e.g. catalogues, postcards, envelope mailers). Direct mail campaigns are usually sent to all postal customers in an area or to all customers on a marketing list.
b) Telemarketing - Telemarketing involves contacting potential customers over the phone to sell products or services. It is capable of generating new customer prospects in large volumes and is also a useful tool for following up on direct marketing campaigns
c) Text/SMS Marketing - Text messaging allows businesses to reach individual customers and send messages to large groups of people at a low cost. for example SMS: (short message service) & MMS: (multi-media message service)
d) Email Marketing - Email marketing is a simple, cost-effective and measurable way of reaching your customers. This type of marketing targets customers through their email accounts.
e) Magazines and Newspapers - Magazine and newspaper ads often include a direct response call-to-action, such as a toll-free number, a coupon redeemable at a brick-and mortar store, or a QR code that can be scanned by a mobile device — these methods are all forms of direct marketing, because they elicit a direct and measurable action from the customer
f) Direct Selling - Selling by face-to-face contact with the customer for example salespersons
8. Indirect Marketing - Indirect Marketing is the distribution of a particular product through a channel that includes one or more resellers.
9. Cross-media Marketing - As the name suggests, multiple channels like emails, letters, web pages etc are used to give information about products and services to customers in the form of cross promotion.